Friday, September 23, 2011

Can We Get Rid of Cellulite?

Unfortunately nothing can completely eliminate cellulite :( But don't get discouraged! There are ways you can dramatically reduce the appearance of cellulite WITHOUT surgery or any bullshit cream. I'll get right to the point. A few things: Strength training, High Intensity Interval Training (aka HIIT), water, 7-8 hours of sleep a night. Many women think that very lengthy cardio workouts at a lower intensity is the way to blast cellulite and this is incorrect. All those treadmills and elliptical machines at the gym highlight the "fat burning zone" which is a low intensity zone. This is a waste of your time and energy. What you need to be doing is HIIT. A 15 minute HIIT workout is much more effective than plugging away on the elliptical for 40 minutes. (Not to mention, for all you people out there that rely on how many calories the elliptical machine says you burned, it's pretty inaccurate even if you enter your weight stats).

Why strength training? Increasing your lean muscle mass will give you a more toned look and a smoother overall appearance. Why HIIT? You will burn more calories in a shorter amount of time. Additionally, mixing up your HIIT so that you are doing something different all the time will keep the muscles confused, therefore they won't adapt to any one particular workout, which makes it less effective. Staying well hydrated and well rested will also help keep your body at peak performance levels.

So if you have some lingering cellulite you want to get rid of, find certified trainer to help get you started with some HIIT, join a CrossFit gym, or google some sample workouts if you are highly self motivated. Bye bye, cellulite!!

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