Friday, September 16, 2011

5 Minute Workout

I always hear the excuse, "I don't have time to workout". First of all, I'd like to address that statement with a great quote I heard from one of my CrossFit Trainers..."If it's important, you'll find a way. If it's not, you'll find an excuse." So quit making excuses and get that tush moving! That being said, sometimes we really are crunched for time, but I can guarantee absolutely everyone has 5 minutes. If you could only do one more exercise for the rest of your life (or in this case, you really only have 5 minutes) it would be.......drumroll please........push ups!! Oh yes, everybody's favorite. But the push up is awesome because it works literally every muscle in your body if done correctly. The beauty of the push up is that there are modifications for everyone. Even my mom who has double knee replacements and arthritis in both knees and wrists AND carpal tunnel syndrome can do modified push ups. A few things about push ups.

1. Keep your body in a line--that means your butt is not sticking up in the air. Your spine should be in one long straight line.
2. Your kneecaps should be pulled up, actively engaging your quadriceps.
3. Hands slightly wider than shoulder width apart, fingers spread wide.
4. Shoulders pressing down the back, neck nice and long--in line with your spine, so your gaze is down at the floor.
5. Lower your body onto the floor completely (chest needs to make contact with the floor or it doesn't count!)
6. As you press pack up, lift your hips up simultaneously with your arms so you don't get the "worm" effect.
7. Keep your core tight the whole time--engage those abs to help propel your body back up!

*If you need a modified position because you lack the upper body strength in a standard position, drop to your knees. But remember, if you are on your knees you still need to keep your butt in line and not let it stick up in the air.

*If you want to work your triceps more you can take chaturanga push ups which means stacking the hands directly underneath shoulders, and elbows grazing the rib cage, pointing backward as your lower down.

*If you want to raise your heart rate a bit do some burpees!

YAY for push ups!! ;)

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