I sort of got enraged after watching a TV show that discussed food addiction and why as a country we are all so obese. I believe it's a multifaceted issue that involves genetics, upbringing, emotions, learned behavior, and yes, a lack of discipline. To say the reason why someone is obese is due to a food addiction is a total cop out. I will be the first person to agree with the fact that sugar, (bad) fat, and all the added artificial garbage that the food industry puts in our food these days is addictive. Scientifically we know that serotonin is released when we eat chocolate, for instance. I get that. And that is one reason why we need to
choose not to eat garbage. The beautiful thing about being human is that we have free will. We are not savage beasts that don't know any better. We don't have to hunt for our food. It's all conveniently laid out for us in a grocery store, but we
have to make the right choices. We must stop blaming the food industry--yes, maybe Lays is putting sneaky addictive chemicals in their chips, but has someone put a gun to your head and forced you to purchase those chips? Or eat the whole bag in one sitting? Here are some common sense tips to avoid these "food addiction" binges:
1. Fill your refrigerator and pantries with lean meats, fish, eggs, vegetables, fruit, nuts, seeds, plenty of water.That's it. If there isn't shit food in your house, you aren't going to eat it. You
really have to go out of your way to get in the car and drive to the store to buy crap, and hopefully on your drive over there you can employ some discipline to stop yourself. This doesn't mean depriving yourself either. Just don't have more than one treat in your house at a time. Love chocolate? Keep one bar of dark chocolate in your house. Chips? Get a bag of Popchips (
a bag...singular). Check the serving size, take the chips out of the bag, put them in a bowl and close the bag, saving the rest for another day.
I think in life we have really gotten accustomed to blaming everyone else for our problems instead of accepting responsibility and being proactive about our health. "Tobacco companies are evil and gave me lung cancer!" Why are you making the conscious choice to smoke? "My parents got divorced when I was a kid so I have issues with x, y, z!" Not to sound harsh and unsympathetic, but it's time to grow up. You are in control of your life now, so you have to get over it otherwise you are going to be miserable forever. Blaming other people for your problems gets you absolutely nowhere. Take responsibility for yourself and your own actions--good or bad! If you have an achievement in your life, be proud of yourself. So often (especially women) receive compliments and instead of saying thank you, they downplay it or act like it's no big deal. It is a big deal! Be proud of yourself and all that you have accomplished. The first way to start feeling better about yourself is to start being truthful to yourself. Be honest with yourself about your mistakes, be proud of your achievements, and begin today to live a life where you are honest and truthful with the most important person in your life--YOU. :)
"Ninety-nine percent of all failures come from people who have a habit of making excuses." — George Washington Carver