Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Commitment Vs. Intention

I normally like to come up with my own original entries for this blog but this is just too good not to share. My trainers are Hoosier CrossFit inspired us with this quote, originally from CrossFit LA.

"How solid are your commitments? Do you keep them no matter what? And what if you miss a commitment… was it really a commitment to begin with, or just an intention? Have you thought about the difference?

Intention – to have in mind as something to be done or brought about.
Commitment – an obligation, promise, etc that restricts one’s freedom of action; a pledge or promise; obligation.

Do you see what’s missing from intention that makes it different from a commitment? As long as it’s still in your mind, as with intention, there’s no skin in the game; still a chance to change course, alter plans, not show up, change your mind. A commitment? Check the definition – it necessarily contains a restriction in one’s freedom of action – when you’re committed to something it means something else can NOT happen. Period. End of story.

Think about things coming up in your schedule this week – are you committed? Meetings, phone calls, your workout, a flight across country, foods in your diet. Which ones are actually commitments and which are merely intentions? It will be easy to tell at week’s end… the commitments actually happened… the intentions might have, but then again, might not. Think about this and it’s impact – which events do others in your life think are your commitments when you know they are just intentions?"

Seriously, how awesome is this? Think about this next time you make a commitment. Is it a real commitment? Are you going to just let it slip through the cracks or are you going to follow through? Following through on your commitments will instill a sense of pride in yourself and boost your self confidence. So, as Nike says...."JUST DO IT".

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