Sunday, August 14, 2011

Post-Workout Recovery

Before I begin this post, I must tell you that your PRE workout nutrition plays a key role in muscle recovery as well. Make sure that whatever it is, it contains some carbohydrate and protein. I like a slice of whole wheat bread with almond butter, or a banana with peanut butter. That being said, let's talk post workout nutrition. Contrary to popular belief, downing a protein drink after your workout isn't really the best thing for your muscles. You need a combination of carbs and protein. Why? Because the carbohydrate component of the food breaks down into glucose, which feed your muscles and cells directly. Interestingly enough, my alma mater, Indiana University, recently came out with a published report that good old fashioned chocolate milk is one of the best things you can consume after a workout. Read an article on it here. Milk sometimes upsets my stomach, especially after a workout, so I asked my dietitian why chocolate milk was so special and what my other options were. Apparently chocolate milk has an ideal ratio for muscle recovery of carbs to protein, and also contains sodium, which you lose when you sweat. She said there were infinite options for what else I could eat that had a similar ratio. (apparently anything between 2:1-4:1 ratio carbs:protein is good for muscle recovery, and chocolate milk is a perfect 3:1). So all you really have to do is calculate the carbs to protein and you can make any combos you like. There are other little nitty, gritty details that body builders, for instance, pay attention to, such as the different types of protein...but that is not really of concern to people who aren't taking it to that level, which I assume most of my readers are not competitive body builders. But hey, ya never know.

my favorite post workout snacks:
1. peanut butter and jelly on whole wheat
2. egg white omelet with avocado
3. tuna on whole wheat
4. peanut butter and banana on rice cakes
5. hummus on whole wheat pita

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