1. Yogitoes Skidless Towel (1/2 size and full size)
Hot yoga classes can get slippery. These towels are amazing and don't slide around anywhere...even in 105 degree heat and 90 pct humidity. I like the half size for my hands when it's a shorter, easier class where I don't get completely drenched and just need a little traction for my hands. In more advanced, longer classes I like the full size towel so my feet don't slide around everywhere.

2. Say Yes To Cucumbers Facial Towelettes
After a sweat sesh you really need to take care of your face. Oftentimes it's hard (or weird) to wash your face in the bathroom sink at the gym or studio, so I've found that these pre-moistened towelettes are perfect.

3. Again Faster Hand Grips
Are you a crossfitter or just a pull-up queen? If so, I'm sure you are aware of the joys of hand ripping. It's great to let your hands develop calluses, but when your hands are raw and have open sores, not only is it disgusting and unsanitary for you to use the bar, but painful as well. I keep these grips in my car for those days that my hands are open. It's just a thin strip of leather that covers the wound and prevents you from ripping more, and getting your bloody shit all over the bar. Gross!

4. Wrist Wraps
The more advanced you get with weightlifting, the more you need to protect your delicate wrists. As I'm trying to lift, say, 200 pounds off the ground I want to make sure my wrists are OK. I throw these wrist wraps on whenever my wrists feel tender, or if it's a heavy lifting day.

Most Lara Bars have about three to four ingredients, including cashews and dates. Since they are fairly high in sugar, I keep a mini one in my gym bag for a pick-me-up.

6. PaleoKit
PaleoKits are like all natural power bars. They are vacuum sealed packages that include beef jerky, dried fruit, and nuts. It's an odd sounding combination but they are delicious and packed with protein, natural sugar and healthy fat.

7. Strawberry Chapstick
It's always good to keep some lip balm with you, especially in the winter months. I love strawberry chapstick...I've literally been using it since I was 3.

8. Lululemon Power Y Bra
There's nothing worse than getting to the gym, being excited for your workout and realizing you forgot a sports bra. I've worked out in regular bras before when I have forgotten mine and let me tell you. It's uncomfortable as hell. I can only imagine what it's like for women who are better endowed than I am! Always keep an extra sports bra in the car.

I'm not really a headband girl.. I think they are annoying and distracting during workouts, especially because I have a small head and they always slip around. During my hot yoga classes, sometimes I will be sweating SO MUCH and upside down most of the time, so sweat pours into my eyes, and it gets itchy and uncomfortable. This wide cotton headband is perfect for catching the sweat so I can be tear free in adho mukha svanasana.

10. Extra Socks
Ever worked out without socks? It sucks. Keep an extra pair in your bag. If you are a crossfitter or weightlifter, keep a pair of knee high socks in your bag too. No one likes to deadlift with bare shins.

11. Extra Hairclip
Whipping your hair back and forth is not cool when you work out. Clip it.
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