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Wednesday, February 1, 2012
How Often Do You Need To Workout?
I get asked this question a lot. Unfortunately I think a lot people are really hoping my answer will be "Oh, once or twice a week and you will see great results!" Sorry, but that's just not gonna cut it. Move your booty every single day. Do something--anything!--active every day. This doesn't mean you need to run a marathon every day or wear yourself out and run your muscles ragged. Remember, you can't go all out every day--that is not healthy. Your muscles need time to recover and repair so incorporating some vigorous exercise combined with gentler movements like hatha yoga, stretch classes or walking is an ideal balance. Once it becomes a habit to be active more often, you will start to see and feel changes. Carrying groceries will become easier. Holding your child will not feel like such a strain. Walking up the stairs won't make you winded. Trying on jeans or a bathing suit might not be so horrifying anymore. Little changes over time will help boost your confidence and strength, and before you know it your abs will be a little more toned. Your thighs might feel a little looser in your jeans. That muffin top might just not be there anymore! Instead of focusing on what you feel like you have to do, try to find something that you enjoy so that exercise becomes a fun, enjoyable part of your life. Go for a run with your dog, a walk with your spouse, bowling with your kids, tennis with your friends...start an intramural soccer or basketball team with your coworkers, try a yoga class...there are limitless options! Just get creative, and get moving :)
Love this... This is the truth!